Westfalenbad Hagen Germany
Products used
Westfalenbad Hagen Germany
“The Westfalenbad presented a challenge to us tile layers requiring maximum performance in terms of creativity, flexibility and quality”, that is how the contractors ANNABAU AG from Annaberg-Buchholz in Saxony sum up their works on the new construction of the Westfalenbad in Hagen. It took only 23 months to create on grounds of approx. 70,000 sqm a bathing landscape rich in variety, with ten sports and leisure pools and a total water surface of approx. 2,500 sqm.
Eight ANNABAU staff members started works for subsoil preparation in May 2009. During the “rush” phase running from November 2009 until February 2010, up to 60 tile layers at a time pushed forward with construction works, headed by foreman Rolf Giersche and site manager Michael Frank.
Mission accomplished: Handing over the completed structure on schedule and free of defects with the three parties all happy, i.e. the owner, the architect and the executing company – that was the target of ANNABAU: “In theory, this was a swimming pool complex as any other, but the enormous size and the tight construction schedule presented a real challenge. Delays in the construction sequence due to delayed completion of subsections caused even further time pressures. On top of that, working conditions got worse due to a number of trades working concurrently in the same area. As a consequence, and in order to cope with such problems, workflow planning and the coordination of craftspeople had to meet increased requirements. Part of the jobs was done in shift-work. Now and again, people were on the edge of despair, because inevitably with such a big construction site, deadlines have to be put off, due to sub-sections not completed in time, changes in sequence plans causing manpower constraints or simply because special requests require special solutions“, that is how Christian Hartinger, chairman of ANNABAU AG characterizes the day-to-day work of a dedicated craftsman’s establishment.
The achievement was duly celebrated by the constructor, the architect and the contractor, along with PCI specialist advisor Mike Hammer as well as Falk Findeisen and Klauspeter Ludwig, each of them head of the applications technology departments, sections East and West, respectively, within PCI Augsburg GmbH, the specialists in construction chemistry. They earned respect when they monitored the sealing and laying works at the Westfalenbad project in their company-typical collegial and competent way. “PCI Augsburg GmbH is well established with architects and constructors, and therefore, sells well even if the bid for tender suggests competitive products”, says Christian Hartinger. “What is more, over recent years, the applications technology department has built for the company a reputation in swimming pool construction which is familiar to a wide professional audience, not least through the PCI building conferences. That is supported by general contractor ANNABAU AG and their positive experiences over recent years with PCI products and the above mentioned PCI staff members on occasion of tiling projects like Südbad Dortmund, FürtherMare spa resort, Albtherme Waldbronn or the Alisobad in Paderborn. ANNABAU management and tile layers trust in PCI products. They are familiar with the products’ benefits and advantages and have the expertise to use them in an effective and economic way. On top of that, the PCI Augsburg GmbH 24-hour logistics services enable flexible working on those big construction sites”.
Eight ANNABAU staff members started works for subsoil preparation in May 2009. During the “rush” phase running from November 2009 until February 2010, up to 60 tile layers at a time pushed forward with construction works, headed by foreman Rolf Giersche and site manager Michael Frank.
Mission accomplished: Handing over the completed structure on schedule and free of defects with the three parties all happy, i.e. the owner, the architect and the executing company – that was the target of ANNABAU: “In theory, this was a swimming pool complex as any other, but the enormous size and the tight construction schedule presented a real challenge. Delays in the construction sequence due to delayed completion of subsections caused even further time pressures. On top of that, working conditions got worse due to a number of trades working concurrently in the same area. As a consequence, and in order to cope with such problems, workflow planning and the coordination of craftspeople had to meet increased requirements. Part of the jobs was done in shift-work. Now and again, people were on the edge of despair, because inevitably with such a big construction site, deadlines have to be put off, due to sub-sections not completed in time, changes in sequence plans causing manpower constraints or simply because special requests require special solutions“, that is how Christian Hartinger, chairman of ANNABAU AG characterizes the day-to-day work of a dedicated craftsman’s establishment.
The achievement was duly celebrated by the constructor, the architect and the contractor, along with PCI specialist advisor Mike Hammer as well as Falk Findeisen and Klauspeter Ludwig, each of them head of the applications technology departments, sections East and West, respectively, within PCI Augsburg GmbH, the specialists in construction chemistry. They earned respect when they monitored the sealing and laying works at the Westfalenbad project in their company-typical collegial and competent way. “PCI Augsburg GmbH is well established with architects and constructors, and therefore, sells well even if the bid for tender suggests competitive products”, says Christian Hartinger. “What is more, over recent years, the applications technology department has built for the company a reputation in swimming pool construction which is familiar to a wide professional audience, not least through the PCI building conferences. That is supported by general contractor ANNABAU AG and their positive experiences over recent years with PCI products and the above mentioned PCI staff members on occasion of tiling projects like Südbad Dortmund, FürtherMare spa resort, Albtherme Waldbronn or the Alisobad in Paderborn. ANNABAU management and tile layers trust in PCI products. They are familiar with the products’ benefits and advantages and have the expertise to use them in an effective and economic way. On top of that, the PCI Augsburg GmbH 24-hour logistics services enable flexible working on those big construction sites”.
Products used
PCI Apoflex® W, PCI Novoment® Z3, PCI Seccoral® 1K, PCI FT® Klebemörtel, PCI Nanolight®, PCI Pecitape® 250, PCI Epoxigrund 390, PCI Gisogrund®, PCI Repahaft®, PCI Apoten®, PCI Durapox® NT, PCI Durafug® NT, PCI Apoflex® F, PCI Midiment, PCI Nanoflott
Specialist advice
Mr. Mike Hammer, Technician East: Mr. Falk Findeisen, Technician West: Mr. Klauspeter Ludwig
Hagener Versorgungs- und Verkehrs GmbH, Hagen
ANNABAU AG, Annaberg-Buchholz
Dr. Krieger Architekten + Ingenieure GmbH, Velbert
Your contact for inquiries:
PCI Augsburg GmbH
Piccardstraße 11, 86159 Augsburg
Telefon: 0821 5901-0
Telefax: 0821 5901-416
E-Mail: pci-info@pci-group.eu