Private spa with outdoor swimming pool
Products used
Private spa with outdoor swimming pool
PCI Augsburg GmbH Application Technology gave expert advice on the construction of a private spa in Neubeuern, Germany. The result of this support is a stylish inside sauna world with recreation area adjoining a generously proportioned swimming pool and Jacuzzi tub outside. The work was realized with PCI special products by Fa. Christian Wiesböck.
The client selected the ornamental Bisazza glass mosaic when creating the swimming pool. The main challenge was to build the wall and floor areas, all curves including staircase and rolling bay vertically and horizontally by using entire mosaic stones and still preserving the alignment of the joints. So, all dimensions had to be matched beforehand to make sure they fit exactly with the glass mosaic module. Before the work was started, Johann Pöschl, PCI Local Salesman, gave expert advice on the realization of the project and helped to select proper materials fulfilling the upcoming constructional demands. Over the whole project completion period, the building measures were supported and supervised by Richard Rast, PCI Application Technology.
First of all, the concrete body of the pool was sandblasted and putty and modelling work was realised with PCI Nanocret 10 and 100. For the preparatory sealing work the special bonding primers PCI Epoxigrund 390, PCI Epoxigrund Rapid and PCI Elastoprimer 220 were applied and PCI Seccoral 2K was used as waterproofing slurry. The “white spackling” was carried out by Wiesböck using PCI Carralight, the flexible thin-bed grout for natural stone flooring. PCI Lastoflex served as a flexibilising additive for the mixing operation. Finally, PCI Durapox NT, the reaction resin binder, was employed for gluing the glass mosaic.
With his long experience in business as a specialised tiler, Mr. Wiesböck opted for the PCI product range. When carrying out the works, PCI products have fully met the requirements. The client appreciates the trusted cooperation with the PCI staff, and he thinks that a good cooperation of crafts and industrial firms is an important basis for realising exceptionally demanding standards.
The client selected the ornamental Bisazza glass mosaic when creating the swimming pool. The main challenge was to build the wall and floor areas, all curves including staircase and rolling bay vertically and horizontally by using entire mosaic stones and still preserving the alignment of the joints. So, all dimensions had to be matched beforehand to make sure they fit exactly with the glass mosaic module. Before the work was started, Johann Pöschl, PCI Local Salesman, gave expert advice on the realization of the project and helped to select proper materials fulfilling the upcoming constructional demands. Over the whole project completion period, the building measures were supported and supervised by Richard Rast, PCI Application Technology.
First of all, the concrete body of the pool was sandblasted and putty and modelling work was realised with PCI Nanocret 10 and 100. For the preparatory sealing work the special bonding primers PCI Epoxigrund 390, PCI Epoxigrund Rapid and PCI Elastoprimer 220 were applied and PCI Seccoral 2K was used as waterproofing slurry. The “white spackling” was carried out by Wiesböck using PCI Carralight, the flexible thin-bed grout for natural stone flooring. PCI Lastoflex served as a flexibilising additive for the mixing operation. Finally, PCI Durapox NT, the reaction resin binder, was employed for gluing the glass mosaic.
With his long experience in business as a specialised tiler, Mr. Wiesböck opted for the PCI product range. When carrying out the works, PCI products have fully met the requirements. The client appreciates the trusted cooperation with the PCI staff, and he thinks that a good cooperation of crafts and industrial firms is an important basis for realising exceptionally demanding standards.
Design of a swimming pool with Bisazza glass mosaic
118 sq. m. wall and floor areas
Products used
PCI Lastoflex®, PCI Epoxigrund 390, PCI Elastoprimer 220, PCI Durapox® NT, PCI Epoxigrund Rapid, PCI Seccoral® 2K Rapid, PCI Nanocret 10, PCI Nanocret 100, PCI Carralight
Specialist advice
PCI Local Salesman: Mr. Johann Pöschl, PCI Application Technology: Mr. Richard Rast
Fa. Christian Wiesböck, Neubeuern
Fa. Tiedke + Behringer
Your contact for inquiries:
PCI Augsburg GmbH
Piccardstraße 11, 86159 Augsburg
Telefon: 0821 5901-0
Telefax: 0821 5901-416
E-Mail: pci-info@pci-group.eu