New construction of the public swimming baths Schlossbad Niederrhein in Wickrath
Products used
New construction of the public swimming baths Schlossbad Niederrhein in Wickrath
Four public baths are made available to the Moenchengladbach citizens and their guests. And because the baths should attract many people with different interests the local public utility company NNV AG developed a concept by assigning each of them a clear profile: family and sports baths - Vitusbad, sports baths and spa resort – Pahlkebad, family baths and water park – Schlossbad Wickrath, outdoor water park with event catering – Freibad Volksgarten. An important part of this concept now became true with the opening of the Schlossbad Niederrhein (formerly Schlossbad Wickrath) early February 2008.
All tiling works of the new swimming baths ranged from the entrance hall, changing rooms, lavatories and showers, to storage rooms, side rooms as well as pool surrounds, alleyway to the sports pool, recreation pool, paddling pool and the stairs of the whi
23.000 m²
Products used
PCI Nanolight®, PCI Pecitape® 120, PCI Pecitape® 10 x 10, PCI Gisogrund® 303, PCI Apoten®, PCI Pecilastic® W, PCI Pecitape® 90° A, PCI Pecitape® 90° I, PCI Durafug® NT, PCI FT® Extra, PCI Seccoral® 2K Rapid, PCI Nanocret 100, PCI Nanoflott,
Specialist advice
Stefan Marx
Projekt Bauleitung pbp, Mühlheim-Ruhr
Fliesen Lepping, Vreden
General contractor
Niederrheinische Versorgung und Verkehr AG (NVV), Mönchengladbach
Brings Architekten, Mönchengladbach
Your contact for inquiries:
PCI Augsburg GmbH
Piccardstraße 11, 86159 Augsburg
Telefon: 0821 5901-0
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E-Mail: pci-info@pci-group.eu