Redesign of the Fulda university square in Germany
Products used
Redesign of the Fulda university square in Germany
The university square of Fulda is located in the heart of the Hessian cathedral city. The complex rebuilding of the square included the renovation of the adjacent Adolf-von-Dalberg school, the construction of an underground parking together with a commercial building and a café, as well as the redesign of the square surface. PCI Augsburg GmbH products were used for the laying and grouting of the shell lime flags on the about 4,700 sq. m area. Manfred Vaupel of the PCI Application Technology department assisted with the planning whereas PCI specialist Sascha Leister provided on-the-spot support.
The substrate consisted partly of the underground parking ceiling and of a concrete slab. The Heinrich Küllmer staff members started with applying PCI Repahaft as bonding slurry. The expansion joints of the underground parking area were waterproofed with PCI Pecilastic and PCI Seccoral 1K. PCI Carraflott NT was applied to the shell lime flags and they were laid wet in wet in the lean concrete then. A large scale checked pattern was the beautiful result of laying the 60 x 60 cm natural stone flags with different surface structures, sanded and tumbled. And these colour shades finally unveiled the checked pattern. The thin-bed, medium-bed and flowable adhesive PCI Carraflott has been especially developed for critical natural stone tiles. It is waterproof and frost-resistant and is suitable for an adhesive bed from 3 – 20 mm. Afterwards, the slabs were grouted with the special joint grout PCI Carrafug. This grout prevents staining at the edge zones in sensitive natural stones, hardens crack-free and, due to its rapid curing time, it is already walkable after approx. 6 hours. For sealing the movement and connection joints, the craftsmen used the silicone joint sealant PCI Carraferm.
During the reconstruction period of twelve months, approx. ten Küllmer staff members were engaged in the ongoing works. They appreciated the expert advice by PCI and the easy-to-handle products enabling a quick succession of working steps. Also occurring problems could be solved: dirty silicone joints were cleaned with the chlorine-free mould remover PCI Schimmel-Entferner chlorfrei, fragile surfaces could be corrected when grouting by using less water and adding quartz sand. Meanwhile, the redesign work of the university square is almost finished. So now, in the middle of urban bustle, there is a beautiful square with tree groves, benches, play equipment and fountains where the citizens of Fulda can take a rest.
The substrate consisted partly of the underground parking ceiling and of a concrete slab. The Heinrich Küllmer staff members started with applying PCI Repahaft as bonding slurry. The expansion joints of the underground parking area were waterproofed with PCI Pecilastic and PCI Seccoral 1K. PCI Carraflott NT was applied to the shell lime flags and they were laid wet in wet in the lean concrete then. A large scale checked pattern was the beautiful result of laying the 60 x 60 cm natural stone flags with different surface structures, sanded and tumbled. And these colour shades finally unveiled the checked pattern. The thin-bed, medium-bed and flowable adhesive PCI Carraflott has been especially developed for critical natural stone tiles. It is waterproof and frost-resistant and is suitable for an adhesive bed from 3 – 20 mm. Afterwards, the slabs were grouted with the special joint grout PCI Carrafug. This grout prevents staining at the edge zones in sensitive natural stones, hardens crack-free and, due to its rapid curing time, it is already walkable after approx. 6 hours. For sealing the movement and connection joints, the craftsmen used the silicone joint sealant PCI Carraferm.
During the reconstruction period of twelve months, approx. ten Küllmer staff members were engaged in the ongoing works. They appreciated the expert advice by PCI and the easy-to-handle products enabling a quick succession of working steps. Also occurring problems could be solved: dirty silicone joints were cleaned with the chlorine-free mould remover PCI Schimmel-Entferner chlorfrei, fragile surfaces could be corrected when grouting by using less water and adding quartz sand. Meanwhile, the redesign work of the university square is almost finished. So now, in the middle of urban bustle, there is a beautiful square with tree groves, benches, play equipment and fountains where the citizens of Fulda can take a rest.
Tiling and grouting of shell lime flags on lean concrete
approx. 4,700 sq. m
Products used
PCI Carraferm®, PCI Carrafug®, PCI Seccoral® 1K, PCI Repahaft®, PCI Pecilastic® W, PCI Carraflott NT
Specialist advice
Sascha Leister, PCI-Fachberater Manfred Vaupel, Anwendungstechnische Abteilung
Stadt Fulda
Heinrich Küllmer GmbH & Co. KG, Fulda
Egon Beier, Tiefbauamt Stadt Fulda
Your contact for inquiries:
PCI Augsburg GmbH
Piccardstraße 11, 86159 Augsburg
Telefon: 0821 5901-0
Telefax: 0821 5901-416
E-Mail: pci-info@pci-group.eu