New facade system embellishes balconies in Berlin
New facade system embellishes balconies in Berlin
Products used
New facade system embellishes balconies in Berlin
New facade system embellishes balconies in Berlin
In the middle of Berlin's Prenzlauer Berg neighbourhood, the Berlin based Central Bauten- und Projektentwicklungs GmbH erected a new building with eleven flats in 2011. The company abd Architekten from Berlin, who were commissioned with planning and site management, chose the new CeraVent façade system for the balcony design. This joint project of the companies Gutjahr, PCI Augsburg und Agrob Buchtal is the first complete system for ceramic adhesive-tiled façades that has been approved by the building authorities. The tiling experts of Karsten Ramlow applied the single system components to the balcony balustrades of the freehold flats. All over the construction phase, the specialists of PCI and Gutjahr monitored the single working steps and supported the tiling team.
In a first step, the total area of 120 sq. m concrete substrate was refinished and levelled with PCI Fassadenspachtel, a smoothing compound for walls. Afterwards, a thin contact layer was applied with the flexible thin-bed mortar PCI Fassadenkleber and the reinforced CeraVent covering support mats were fixed directly into the applied adhesive layer. As shown on the constructional drawing, the experts pinned the CeraVent system wall plugs into the substrate and levelled out the entire mats with PCI Fassadenspachtel. While the surface was drying, the Gutjahr vent profiles were mounted. Due to the ventilation and by isolating the ceramic covering from the substrate, damages that may occur when laying the tiles directly onto the substrate, can be permanently avoided. In a next step, the CeraVent reinforcing mesh was bedded into an approx. 4 mm thick layer of the smoothing compound PCI Fassadenspachtel. On the dry reinforced layer, Karsten Ramlow and his staff laid the large-size KerAion tiles by using PCI Fassadenkleber and grouted the joints in the covering with the flexible joint grout PCI Fassadenfug. Then, the movement and connection joints were first primed with PCI Elastoprimer 145 and afterwards elastically sealed by applying the polyurethane joint sealant PCI Elritan 100. Finally, the work was finished with a throughout positive result: For Karsten Ramlov and his team this project is a good reference for further projects applying the CeraVent façade system as the balcony design was very convincing in terms of professional execution and an impressive aesthetical achievement.
In a first step, the total area of 120 sq. m concrete substrate was refinished and levelled with PCI Fassadenspachtel, a smoothing compound for walls. Afterwards, a thin contact layer was applied with the flexible thin-bed mortar PCI Fassadenkleber and the reinforced CeraVent covering support mats were fixed directly into the applied adhesive layer. As shown on the constructional drawing, the experts pinned the CeraVent system wall plugs into the substrate and levelled out the entire mats with PCI Fassadenspachtel. While the surface was drying, the Gutjahr vent profiles were mounted. Due to the ventilation and by isolating the ceramic covering from the substrate, damages that may occur when laying the tiles directly onto the substrate, can be permanently avoided. In a next step, the CeraVent reinforcing mesh was bedded into an approx. 4 mm thick layer of the smoothing compound PCI Fassadenspachtel. On the dry reinforced layer, Karsten Ramlow and his staff laid the large-size KerAion tiles by using PCI Fassadenkleber and grouted the joints in the covering with the flexible joint grout PCI Fassadenfug. Then, the movement and connection joints were first primed with PCI Elastoprimer 145 and afterwards elastically sealed by applying the polyurethane joint sealant PCI Elritan 100. Finally, the work was finished with a throughout positive result: For Karsten Ramlov and his team this project is a good reference for further projects applying the CeraVent façade system as the balcony design was very convincing in terms of professional execution and an impressive aesthetical achievement.
Mounting the CeraVent complete system at balcony balustrades of freehold flats
approx. 120 sq. m
Products used
PCI Elritan® 100, PCI Elastoprimer 145, CeraVent® Reinforcement Mesh (Gutjahr), CeraVent® Cladding Support Mat (Gutjahr), CeraVent® Plug Set (Gutjahr), Tile Chroma II or KerAion (AGROB BUCHTAL), PCI smoothing compound for walls, PCI flexible thin-bed mortar, PCI flexible joint grout
Specialist advice
Mr Rene Weyhe, PCI specialist Mr Andreas Albert, PCI application engineer Mr Thorsten Petri, Gutjahr service engineer
Central Bauten- und Projektentwicklungs GmbH
Fliesenfachbetrieb Karsten Ramlow, Fredersdorf
Ms Sina Ahlemann, abd Architekten Berlin, Germany
Your contact for inquiries:
PCI Augsburg GmbH
Piccardstraße 11, 86159 Augsburg
Telefon: 0821 5901-0
Telefax: 0821 5901-416
E-Mail: pci-info@pci-group.eu