Competitive once again: Indoor swimming pool Gedern in Germany with new design
Essential refurbishment prevents old swimming pool from demolition
Products used
Competitive once again: Indoor swimming pool Gedern in Germany with new design
Essential refurbishment prevents old swimming pool from demolition
The German volcano city Gedern, idyllically situated at the southwest hillside of the "Vogelberg", offers residents and visitors a wide range of leisure time facilities. This includes the city indoor swimming pool as well. Built in the seventies as a functional training pool, it has lost more and more its attractiveness and acceptance over the years. Consequently, visitor numbers declined steadily, not least because of the high competition by more attractive leisure and adventure pools in the environment. So the Gedern municipality decided to refurbish the indoor swimming pool from the scratch, and assigned that task to the Alfred Möller architects of Bad Nauheim. In close cooperation with tiling company Möller, PCI application engineer Ingo Grollmisch developed the restructuring plan for tiling the pool edge, the walls as well as the showers and toilet areas. The sound pool body was kept.
Refurbishment of the whole swimming pool bordering and walls as well as the showers and the barrier-free redesigned bathrooms
Pool of 25 m: approx. 430 sq. m floor tiles of which 230 sq. m pool edge; 280 sq. m wall tiles (shower, toilet and pool area)
Products used
PCI Nanolight®, PCI Pecitape® 120, PCI Gisogrund® 303, PCI Durafug® NT, PCI Seccoral® 2K Rapid
Specialist advice
Mr Ingo Grollmisch, PCI Application Technology
Gedern municipality
Tiling company Fliesen Möller GmbH Co. KG, Kalbach, Germany
Architects Alfred Möller, Bad Nauheim, Germany
Your contact for inquiries:
PCI Augsburg GmbH
Piccardstraße 11, 86159 Augsburg
Telefon: 0821 5901-0
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E-Mail: pci-info@pci-group.eu